Tuesday, February 25, 2014


It seems as though everyone wants and needs to be connected nowadays.  Most young Americans do so through social media websites. The websites available are endless, so everyone can choose the one that suits them best.  I have found that most young people have multiple website pages. They may want a place to post the latest picture of themselves known as a "selfie".  Also, the current trend is having certain days when a particular picture is uploaded.  For example a picture from ones past can be posted on  "Way Back Wednesday," Throwback Thursday," or "Flashback Friday".   There are times when they are just posting what is on their mind, yet they may hurt or insult others.  And, sometimes, there is lots of personal information posted.  This may seem all innocent and fun, but unfortunately some people don't know when enough is enough or when they have gone too far. Although they feel that these are "their" web pages, one can never forget that it is posted on the internet, which means that there are certain dangers that can exist.  Anyone and everyone has access to it, even if it has privacy settings.  Too often, people foolishly post things that they later regret.  That is why it is so important to be careful, and think before making any foolish mistakes.

social media: a way to communicate online
suits: works for someone
multiple: more than one
certain: definite
particular: specific
uploaded: place items on computer site
innocent: honest
privacy: alone
regret: feel upset about a previous act

Vocabulary exercise:
Many companies are creating ____________________ to communicate to potential buyers.
As soon as Henry said it, he felt a sense of __________ come over him.
In his youth, Justin had _____________ basketballs to play with.
Jen needs to have a _________ amount of pencils on her desk.
As the older sister grew up she wanted more ______________.
Everyone though Caitlin was so ______________ because she always did the right thing.
The color blue really _________ Christine's eyes.
James is very ______________ about the foods he eats.
Colleen ___________ her photos as soon as she came home from the party.

Grammar point: 
In the English language, we have words known as homophones. This is where they sound the same but have different meanings. One common mistake is the use of the words there, their, and they're. There means to place it. Their is possession or ownership. They're is a contraction. It combines the words they are. 

Grammar exercise: 
Please write three sentences using there, their, and they're. 

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